Tuesday is turbo day.


Tuesday nights I head up to run and ride the local bike shop for there workouts sessions on the turbos. This is where I carried out my FTP test last week. I've done a couple of sessions there and they hurt, really hurt!

So Matt who runs the sessions tell us what the session consists of, basically is 1min at around 7/10 effort then a min rest. Then 1.30min and rest. And so on until you get to 3min. Then it's 5min rest and back to 3min effort dropping back down the pyramid to 1min. Now I have no idea what 7/10 for me is so I thought what sort of watts can I hold for 3min, I target 350 watts. My legs and body hated me for that decision! I got stitch halfway through and my legs was turning to mush at the end of the 3min efforts. I was happy with the fact I held my wattage around the 350 mark occasionally dropping below and sometimes (rarely) above. With the last 1min effort it was give it your all I think I averaged around 400 but the legs was hurting. I feel I need to improve my base training if I'm to improve as I feel my stamina runs out towards the end of sessions.

It's a week on Saturday before I race next so this weekend I need to put a few hours in the legs, I'll report back on the ride the weekend.


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